I can’t believe CNN covered this story.

Whoever posted that tweet will probably be fired from their job. I’m pretty sure CNN employees are not allowed to imply that blacks could ever do anything wrong.

While the Jew media was making a big deal out of that old WHITE man shooting a black scholar on his property, this story of a black man shooting at a WHITE family because a basketball rolled into his yard happened.

Notice how they only mentioned race in one of the two stories.

What the black did here was totally unjustified. His actions were many times worse than anything the old WHITE man did to the black scholar, but you don’t see any outrage, any marches or anything else in support of this family.

Look at how CNN spun the two stories.

Millions of dollars were raised for the black scholar.

Compare that to the GoFundMe for the WHITE family.

The entire Jew system is trying to make WHITE people afraid to defend themselves from violent niggers.

This meme describes the situation perfectly.

Obviously, you should do your best to avoid encounters with violent niggers if at all possible but if one of them enters your home, you should not hesitate to shoot the nigger. After you shoot the nigger, do not call the police, otherwise they might unfairly charge you with all sorts of crimes for being in possession of a dead nigger. Instead, I would recommend calling a trusted company that specializes in dead nigger storage and disposal.

Just don’t call Harvey Keitel, he’s Jewish.