The CEO of BioNTech is telling people that only yearly booster shots will be needed.


People around the world will need to get a jab against Covid-19 once a year, at least when it comes to the Pfizer vaccine, BioNTech’s CEO Ugur Sahin said in an interview on Sunday, as he praised the quality of its booster shot.

In an interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper on Sunday, Sahin said he considers the vaccine, co-developed by his company, to be “very effective.”

When asked whether people should be worried about the “breakthrough infections” – in which those vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine still developed Covid-19 symptoms – he dismissed such concerns, saying that the jab offers a “90 percent protection” against cases that require intensive care in those aged over 60.

A “very high” level of protection against severe illness lasts for up to nine months, the BioNTech CEO maintained. He said this level starts decreasing “from the fourth month,” however. To maintain the protection, Sahin strongly pushed for booster shots, arguing that they would not just restore levels of antibodies but would potentially help “to break … chains of infection.”

He also encouraged doctors to be “as pragmatic as possible” when it comes to greenlighting vaccination and “not to send people home unvaccinated even though they could be vaccinated without any problems.”

Yeah, this Ugur guy looks totally trustworthy. As a rule of thumb, I trust anybody with the first name Ugur.

In fact, he looks like such a trustworthy guy that I’d let him do anal sex with my sister. Now granted, I don’t have a sister but if I did have a sister, I would have no problem with this guy violating her anus.

Seriously though, if you believe anything this guy says, you might as well just be letting him ass rape you and your sister.

This guy stands to profit off of every injection he sells, so of course he’s going to recommend that you take a yearly shot. Why would he say anything different? Do you think he cares about your health? All he cares about is profits and selling as many of these injections as possible. You dying from his product is of little consequence to him.

Keep in mind, that he is making this recommendation when there is no evidence of a deadly pandemic.

Also, the idea of a yearly booster shot is conservative. They’re likely going to push for people to take shots an even faster rate. Those who refuse will have their vaxx passport shut off and be unable to buy food to eat.

Whatever the case, if you follow this guy’s advice, you deserve to die and are just too stupid to live.