Joe Biden gave a speech in front of Congress last night that I did not bother to watch. The basic gist of it based on reports I’ve read is that he wants to raise taxes, spend trillions of dollars on stupid programs, persecute Americans who disagree with the ZOG machine and somehow get more aggressive with China.

I’m sure he said all sorts of other gay and dumb shit also. These just appear to be the low lights.

But just on these major agenda items, I don’t see how any of this is remotely possible. The economy has been plunging into an abyss since March 2020 and the only thing keeping it going is the trillions of dollars in stimulus that’s being pumped into it. The government is literally throwing free money at people while the Federal Reserve keeps creating trillions upon trillions of dollars on computers. Raising taxes in such an environment is only going to cause more problems.

And just so we are clear, when they talk about raising taxes, they won’t be raising taxes on Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, billionaires and the big mega corporations. Instead, they’ll be raising taxes on moderately wealthy people and smaller businesses. This will effectively kill off even more competition to these big corporations while resulting in fewer jobs.

We also don’t really make much of anything in America. The amount of goods that get imported into this country is staggering.

Donald Trump at least tried to fix this, but he was sabotaged in his efforts by the coronavirus hoax that he allowed himself to get sucked into. China has become an economic power because they manufacture things and export them to the rest of the world. They did not get there by printing money and raising taxes. China can also easily just decide to stop providing us with things they make. So if a war broke out, it is hard to see how America could sustain such an effort.

The point being is that what Biden is proposing, if allowed to go forward, will ultimately result in this entire system collapsing in on itself. Which who knows, maybe that’s the entire point of what he’s proposing.

I think the system will collapse regardless of what Biden does or doesn’t do. It’s just the collapse will be greatly accelerated if these agenda items come to pass.

What a shit show this is. Prepare yourself accordingly. These are bad times. Worst times I’ve seen my whole life.