Get a load of this clip. Joe Biden, the senile vegetable and illegitimate puppet of the horrible regime in Washington DC, claimed that people criticizing their out of control spending are lying about their policies. He also said that they are changing people’s lives.

At least half of that statement is true. They are definitely changing people’s lives for the worse. Under this regime, the price of gas, food and everything else that people need to survive has gone up. They have also championed all sorts of disgusting social agendas that has led to cultural degradation and rot.

The other half of the statement is comical. There are literally numerous examples you could site to document their out of control spending. Take in point them giving billions upon billions of dollars to the illegitimate Jewish regime of Ukraine. That money has been wasted and has done nothing to deter Russia’s war efforts.

What I don’t understand is why the people at the AFL-CIO were cheering this braindead moron. How can they believe that anything the Biden regime has done has been good for them or their members? Like what planet are these people on? How can anybody cheer this evil and corrupt dope?

They were literally clapping and cheering for him the entire speech. Watch it for yourself if you don’t believe me.