Joe Biden has said that he would wage war against China so Taiwan can have feminism, gay poop sex and trannies.

I guess the White House may have tried to walk these statements back a bit later, but it ultimately doesn’t matter. This entire regime of which Biden is the puppet figurehead has acted very aggressively against China.

This is why I don’t understand why there are still people on the right-wing who think Biden is working for China. Biden is a puppet for Jewish interests who have subverted and control the United States government. Just look at the Jews around Biden in key positions. Do any of these Jews look Chinese to you?

Sadly, a number of people on the right-wing would support a Biden war against China over Taiwan without fully understanding the geopolitical situation.

There are only 14 countries that recognize Taiwan as an independent country. The rest of the world sees Taiwan as a part of China. The Chinese have every right to remove this illegitimate occupational government in Taiwan that has been propped up by the ZOG empire.

There is no substance behind Biden’s rhetoric though. The Chinese could invade the island and officially reunify it with the mainland at any time they wish. Biden and the incompetent people around him have no military strategy to prevent this. The Pentagon is run by Lloyd Austin an incompetent dumb black who was only appointed to this position because of his skin color. Anybody who thinks that he and the stupid “woke” loser Mark Milley are capable of coming up with a coherent plan to defend Taiwan are delusional.