The fake President Joe Biden has pledged to nominate a black female to the Supreme Court. The Jew Stephen Breyer is apparently going to be retiring later this year.

I guess this means it is perfectly fine for anybody to hire someone based solely on the color of their skin.

If a business says that they will only hire WHITE males, than that is perfectly acceptable. I mean, it should be if Biden can openly state that he is only going to hire a black woman for a position. He is stating that the only thing that matters is your skin color and your sex. The content of your character or ability to do the job is of secondary consequence.

This entire announcement shows what a joke of a system we have. I hope I live to see the day that it collapses because there is nothing about this system that makes any sense. It’s just endless amounts of bullshit on top of bullshit.

Fortunately, that day might be coming sooner than we think considering how unstable everything is becoming.