The Jewish terrorists at the Anti-Defamation League did a survey confirming that awareness of their evil activities has greatly increased in recent years. They claim the evil that Jews engage in are tropes, when they are really just common statements of fact describing their behavior.

The Jew head of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt went to Twitter to warn his fellow racial kin about this rise of goyim knowing.

The Jews have made lots of dumb mistakes that have contributed to the goyim knowing.

I mean, locking down people over a fake virus for two years while forcing a deadly fake vaccine on people has been a big factor. This gave people lots of time to research why all these insane things were going on.

They also went after Ye and tried to destroy him thus proving that what Ye was saying about Jews was 100 percent correct.

These numbers still aren’t high enough though. We need to boost them until we get to the point where these parasites can all be rounded up and removed from the West.

Make no mistake about it, this tribe of Jew rats are the source of most if not all of our problems that we have today.