An Apple executive named Tony Blevins who made an innocent joke about fondling women with big breasts has been forced out of his job. This happened after video of him making the joke went viral on TikTok. The guy was basically quoting an old movie and was with a woman who actually laughed when he made the joke.

It’s totally absurd that this man lost his job over this.

As most of you already know, Apple’s CEO is a homosexual sucker of dicks named Tim Cook. He is someone who is repulsed by the thought of big-breasted women. There’s no doubt that if this guy made the same joke but talked about how he liked fondling men with large cocks, he would not have been fired. In fact, he probably would have been promoted and be next in line to be the company’s CEO.

This whole situation is such a farce. What sort of society do we have when people’s lives can be ruined for simply making jokes? A society this stupid simply can’t be sustained.