As expected, Apple is giving Twitter the similar treatment it has given other social media sites that have tried to do some type of free speech.

Elon Musk confirmed that they have pulled most of their advertising from Twitter.

He asked the homosexual butt pirate Tim Cook who runs Apple about the situation.

He asked who else has been censored and replied to a Fortnite 1984 parody video criticizing Apple’s monopoly status.

Musk then posted a poll asking if Apple should publish all of its censorship actions.

He further added that Apple was threatening to ban Twitter from their app store but gave him no explanation as to why they would do that.

He then went after Apple for their unethical profiteering.

He ended his series of tweets by vowing to go to war against Apple.

I’m glad he is preparing to go to war against Apple.

Apple is not the company it was under Steve Jobs. It is an evil monopoly run by an untalented faggot whose entire strategy has been to sell unlimited iPhones which the company has barely improved upon in years. They obviously hate free speech as further evidenced by their actions against Twitter. They had no issue with Twitter when it was just an echo chamber for Jews and their Marxist faggot allies.

Apple sucks and I’d like the whole shitty ass company to go bankrupt.