After deliberately shoving a disgusting faggot tranny in everyone’s faces, Anheuser Busch now wants us to believe that they are proud Americans. They’ve put out a new ad campaign featuring a horse walking past famous American landmarks while falsely claiming that their horrible product is part of the American spirit.

Yeah, nice try but you aren’t going to fool me into believing that your estrogen-filled horse piss beverage is part of the American spirit. Not after pushing that tranny on us. Trannies and faggots were never a traditional American value and this ad campaign is meant to con us into thinking that the two can coexist.

Here’s another interesting observation.

They just had to do the multiracial thing. You’d think they’d give this type of thing a rest considering the public relations problems they are having with their brand but they just can’t help themselves.

These people are out of control. They didn’t even fire that cunt who was responsible for pushing the tranny on us. This is all a joke to them.

Anheuser Busch isn’t even an American company. They were bought out by a large Belgium multinational back in 2008. So this nonsense about the “American spirit” is just a lie.

Whatever, I don’t even care at this point. Americans are so dumb, they’ll probably forget about this tranny situation in a few months and will go back to drinking these products not remembering that any of this ever happened.