I like the vast majority of Americans did not waste any time watching the Democrat debate last night. Apparently only around seven million people watched it which is quite abysmal if you think about it.

The debate itself was stupid. The big thing that happened was the angry cunt Elizabeth Warren otherwise known as Pocahontas refusing to shake the hand of Jew Bernie.

There was apparently some controversy over Bernie saying that Warren couldn’t win because she was a woman.

The thing is, there doesn’t appear to be any hard proof that Bernie said this. At least none that I’m aware of. The whole thing seemed to be a lie planted in the media and advanced by Warren. And this is what seemed to lead to Warren’s refusal to shake hands with the Jew Bernie.

The entire incident shows what a horrible old bitch Warren is.

I could only understand her doing this if she was a hater of Jews and maintained a personal policy of not shaking the hands of Jews. But we know that she is not a hater of Jews, so the entire situation made her look really bad.

For a little while it looked like Warren was gaining momentum in the polls, but recently she’s been slipping and this handshake refusal could cause some major problems for her campaign moving forward.