We are starting to see more and more people and groups throw the illegitimate Jew regime of the Ukraine under the bus. Amnesty International just said that the Ukrainian government has been purposefully using civilians as shields by embedding troops, bases and weapons within residential areas.

This is absolutely a statement of fact as it is the primary military strategy of the illegitimate Jew regime. They have done this to force the Russians to attack these areas so the media can accuse Russian forces of all sorts of crimes.

While there are still some die hard Ukraine cheerleaders condemning what Amnesty International has said, it is getting more and more difficult for these people to defend this failed Jew regime.

We are getting to a point where Western ZOG leaders are going to have to admit that the Ukraine conflict is unwinnable. That also appears to be why there is an attempt to shift attention onto Taiwan and other stories. They want people to forget about what a fiasco the Ukraine situation turned into.