The Biden regime has declared monkeypox a national health emergency.

It is definitely an emergency because the United States entire system of values revolves around the ability of homosexual men to have anal sex orgies. Monkeypox is getting in the way of this so I can totally see why this emergency was declared. The gay anal sex orgies must continue because it is a big part of who we are.

Kidding aside, this whole monkeypox nonsense is absurd. Homosexuals have always gotten weird diseases and sicknesses from fucking each other in the ass. Whatever this monkeypox is or isn’t, it is just another variation of that. It is mostly just homosexual men getting this and homosexual men despite widespread Jew brainwashing efforts to make people believe otherwise, only represent a small percentage of America’s population.

This monkeypox nonsense is likely being pushed because they want public attention on health issues so they can potentially bring back the coronavirus hysteria this fall and winter. I don’t think they’ll be successful with any of it, but it looks like this is what they have planned.