The coronavirus is shaping up to be one of the biggest hoaxes in all of human history. Not because this isn’t a real thing, but because of the total overreaction and mass hysteria that has resulted from it.

There has never been an event where governments around the world have used force and a variety of draconian tactics to keep billions of people locked in their homes for this length of time. And we are told that this is at least going to continue until early May if not longer.

According to official numbers, we are being told that close to 7,000 people have so far died from this in the United States.

And it is highly probable that these numbers are grossly inflated since many of the people we are being told died from it had a myriad of other pre-existing conditions. Just having it doesn’t necessarily mean they died from it.

But even if you believe the official numbers, it shows how illogical and insane the response has been. 38,800 people died from car accidents last year. We aren’t even close to reaching that number yet we are told that we have to shut down everything and go into an economic depression over this small number of deaths.

What’s worse is how the American people have been consumed with this hysteria. According to a USA Today poll, they are increasingly supportive of extreme government measures to prevent the spread of the doomsday virus.

Ultimately none of this really matters. It’s too late now. The economy is heading off a cliff and this is going to result in food riots, civil unrest and all sorts of other crazy things I’d prefer not to think about at the moment.