While the Democrat machine and the lying Jewish media says we are in the middle of a pandemic, they are implementing and advancing policies that have encouraged another massive surge of Central American migrant invaders to overwhelm our borders.

There are so many invaders that they are taking 3,000 of these teen invaders and housing them in the Dallas Convention Center.

This is obviously being done intentionally to break the system and flood the country with illegals. They want to replace White Americans with all these mud invaders. The entire ZOG machine is behind this insanity. And of course, anybody who questions this is labeled a White supremacist, Nazi or whatever.

The invaders are too stupid to understand that they are being used as pawns by the Jews who run the Harris-Biden regime. This is literally the worst time for someone to come into America. I guess they think they’ll just get free shit from the government, but there’s no guarantees considering how unstable the entire system has become. Many places in America actually look worse than the places they are coming from.

This whole thing is a house of cards that could fall apart at a moment’s notice.