The demonic Jew Zelensky wants more money from the West in exchange for holding a new election in 2024.

There seems to be no end to this scam. It is just this Jew saying he needs money for whatever reason and the United States government along with their European vassal states keep writing checks.

There’s no reason to believe that any election would be legitimate any way. The Ukraine is literally one of the most corrupt regimes in existence. Plus, much of the population has been displaced because of the war. They could use this excuse to justify mail-in ballots, Internet voting or whatever other voting method to make it easier to rig the vote to their liking.

It is possible that the West wants a new election to reinforce Zelensky’s credibility as puppet leader. Of course, I don’t think anybody really knows what anybody is thinking in Washington DC. These people are all incompetent retards and are unable to manage anything. They no longer control the important parts of the Ukraine thanks to their stupidity.