The President of the World Central Kitchen Jose Andres remarked that Israel has been waging war against humanity itself. This after the Jews deliberately attacked a convoy of WCK aid workers.

Andres is 100 percent correct in his assessment. The Jews are demons masquerading around as humans. Look at all the evil they’ve done in just the past six months.

Even 60 Minutes has reported that the Jews deliberately targeted and attacked the convoy describing how the aid workers coordinated their movement with the Israeli Diaper Faggots.

The White House is denying that the killing of those aid workers was deliberate talking about how processes broke down and other bullshit.

The White House is run primarily by Jews so it is not a surprise to see that this is their position. They could end all of this tomorrow by simply refusing to provide Israel with weapons. Instead they just give us this weak talk about supporting a ceasefire and it took over six months just to get to that point. They also provide endless excuses for Israeli crimes.

Despite all of that, it does seem as if the world is getting exhausted with the evil these Jews are committing. This situation will not continue indefinitely. In fact, I’d argue that the walls are closing in on them. The continued atrocities they are committing are only accelerating their demise.