I honestly couldn’t give a shit about the National Football League aka Niggers For Life due to its blatant nigger supremacy agenda. But here’s another story showing how the league and its teams are now pretty much just doing whatever the communist mob demands.

For years, the Washington Redskins have been criticized because the name is perceived as being racist towards engine savages or whatever. So now they’re looking at changing the team name to the Washington Warriors.

I got a better idea. Why don’t you rename the team to the Washington Faggots or the Washington Cocksuckers. That would be a better choice considering how fast the team is caving to the mob.

But since the Washington Redskins is run by a Jew named Daniel Snyder, I hope he does approve the name change and loses lots of shekels from the cost it will take to rebrand the whole team.

Talk about a dumb situation. Who the hell is even going to be watching the NFL at this point with all this gay shit they’re pushing? Especially considering the economic depression we are just starting to enter into.