In Virginia, fake Charlottesville Nazis holding tiki-torches were recently deployed in front of the Republican gubernatorial candidate’s bus. Glenn Youngkin the Republican, is in a race against the horrible Democrat-Marxist individual Terry McAuliffe.

Just look at the above photo. Have you ever seen something so dumb? They got a black guy and some overweight female to be a part of this. I guess, those were the only people they could find to participate in such a dumb thing? I mean WTF is this? Nobody is going to take a black tiki-torch holding Nazi seriously.

Reportedly the Lincoln Project was responsible for this stupidity.

The Lincoln Project might as well just be an extension of the Democrat Party, even though they claim to be conservatives. Of course, everyone knows that they’re nothing of the sort.

These type of antics prove that the people in power are not competent. I think McAuliffe will probably win this race with their vote fraud machine, but considering the dumb shit these people are doing, that is not a 100 percent certainty. After all the insanity we’ve seen from Democrats over the past year or so, they might not be capable of implementing the fraud. Guess we’ll see what happens.

One final thing, I should have many more articles posted tomorrow. Past couple of days were just a bit crazy.