As expected, a number of vaxxed military pilots are no longer able to function after receiving the shots. A medical doctor publicly testified that she was forced to ground a number of pilots due to injures from the injections. She was also punished for grounding the pilots over this.

I’d like to know how the ZOG beast plans on waging war against China or any other adversary with all this happening. They are ruining some of their most valuable military personnel with this death vaxx agenda. Training pilots is not cheap and you can’t just replace experienced pilots out of the ether.

These two different agendas can’t work simultaneously. You can’t be forcing unsafe shots on military personnel while expecting they’ll be able to maintain any significant level of readiness, let alone wage a major war.

This is why I am becoming increasingly convinced that we have stupid people trying to implement these insane agendas. All of the top people who would have been competent enough to pull this off are either too old to be of use or are dead. The end result is a bunch of idiots flailing around trying and failing to do everything all at once.