The United States military is apparently getting ready to deploy an aircraft carrier and associated group of warships so Nancy Pelosi can visit Taiwan.

This is stupid and a totally unnecessary provocation. For what purpose does Pelosi need to physically visit Taiwan? You would only do this to agitate the Chinese and spark a potential conflict. Taiwan is recognized as a part of China by virtually every country in the world. The US doesn’t even officially recognize Taiwan as an independent country.

Republicans are continuing to support this trip because they claim China would win if she doesn’t go or something.

But win what exactly? Do these people think this is a baseball game or something?

China has had it with the games and is threatening military action over her planned visit.

The US stands little to gain and much to lose from this trip. The Chinese would be in their right to shoot down Pelosi’s plane and attack any of the US warships that get sent over there. It is a gross miscalculation for the US to go through with this trip.