There have been reports circulating on Telegram and social media about how Ukrainian military officers are now being killed or “fragged” by their own men. This after the Kiev regime sent many thousands of men to their death in “Bakhmut” fighting what they knew was a losing battle.

To be clear, I have not been able to independently verify these reports. It is just stuff that is out there.

What I will say is that if these reports are accurate, it means the Ukrainian side has zero chance of winning the war.

The act of “fragging” officers is something that happened in the Vietnam War when it became clear that the war was unwinnable. Many officers were fragged because they were sending their men off to die for no justifiable reason. This happened to lots of junior level officers who refused to wake up to the reality around them.

If you reach a point in a war where rank and file soldiers believe that they are better off killing their commanding officer than fighting, it becomes impossible to win the war. If such things are in fact going on, it makes the idea of a “counter offensive” by the Ukrainians an absurd fantasy.