The Ukraine side is really upset that Twitter has put their bot shills out of business.


Mikhail Podoliak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, has accused Twitter of hiding trends related to the ongoing conflict in the country. The official took to the social media platform on Tuesday, blasting the platform’s CEO, billionaire Elon Musk, directly.

“‘War in Ukraine’ disappearance from Twitter trends. Radical curtailment of tweets mentioning ru-aggression coverage. Users aren’t allowed to register or log into accounts with Ukrainian phone number,” Podoliak wrote.

Before Musk took over the company, there were all sorts of pro-Ukraine shills and bots being amplified. Musk’s war on the bot problem has put an end to this.

The truth is, people are not all that interested in the Ukraine conflict or the fake rules-based democratic government that the Jew clown Zelensky allegedly represents. What we are seeing on Twitter now is a much more accurate reflection of reality than what we were seeing before.

What’s funny is that social media was really the only area the Ukrainian side was legitimately succeeding in the conflict. But now that they can’t artificially amplify their message like they used to, they no longer have the advantage on this front.