The Guardian put out a report about how there is a major shortage of nurses throughout the United Kingdom. The report did not even bother to mention the real cause of the labor shortage which is the fact that many nurses are refusing to take the coronavirus death shots. The leftists in the UK are blaming this on Brexit.

This is a ridiculous explanation and convenient political misdirection. There are similar nursing shortages happening all around the world. In every case, there is a vaxx mandate prompting nurses and other medical professionals to either quit or be fired from their positions. So to blame this exclusively on Brexit is an absurdity.

What I find funny is that in almost every case where these shortages are happening, the proposed solution is to bring in foreigners. In some places like in the United States, you see the military being brought in to keep things running temporarily until the positions can presumably be filled with immigrants.

But how can all these different countries get foreign workers when all countries are having the same problem? Maybe they’ll have some success bringing in third worlders? I honestly don’t know. But even if they succeed in bringing in third worlders, the result will be a greatly degraded healthcare system. The end result will be a total collapse of the system itself. Especially when you consider that an increased number of vaxxed retards will start requiring hospitalization.

The only way to solve the problem is to first get rid of the vaxx mandate, but nobody wants to do that because that would interfere in this push to implement this deranged communist reset agenda.