People have about had about enough of Anthony Fauci, the lying virus hoaxing fraud who claims to talk to a god known as “The Science.” A new Disney documentary about Fauci has been massively panned by the general public on various websites. Rotten Tomatoes went so far as to totally disable user reviews of the film.

They obviously disabled it because they didn’t want people seeing the negative user reviews.

Look at the ratio on the trailer for the film that’s up on YouTube. At the time I’m writing this, it has 1,000 up votes compared to 20,000 down votes.

The purpose of the film is to present this evil virus hoaxing gnome as some sort of great figure who we should all look up to and trust. It’s completely insane considering what we’ve seen this fool say over the past two years.

Jimmy Dore did a presentation documenting the numerous contradictory statements Fauci has made throughout this hysteria.

Here’s another video showing Fauci proclaiming the death vaxx as safe even though media headlines went from proclaiming it as 100 percent effective, to only partially effective, to causing death and serious medical issues.

After watching these videos, you’d be insane to trust anything this moron says.

But even with this sorry track record, the media is still hanging on every word he says. They’re reporting about how Fauci is saying that kids can go trick or treating for Halloween.

It’s madness that such an foolish and inept person has been given such a high level of prominence in our country.