The fifth installment of the Twitter files was released last night. They confirmed that Donald Trump was banned from the site even though numerous people inside of Twitter acknowledged that he didn’t violate any rules. They just invented a reason to ban him due to pressure from people who did not like him from inside and outside the company.

I’m not going to bother posting all the threaded tweets from this latest dump, but the same people who we’ve already talked about were at the center of this. Notably the Paki Vijaya Gadde and the faggot Jew Yoel Roth. There were also other Twitter employees comparing Trump to Hitler and claiming he was some sort of terrorist leader.

Of course, none of this is surprising. We knew that the company was filled with a bunch of lunatic Marxists that banned Trump under highly dubious circumstances. It is interesting that the internal communications between Twitter’s employees show that they knew they had no real justification to ban him but banned him any way.

This company was filled with some of the worst and most horrible scum imaginable. Hopefully Elon has fired most if not all of them by now.

The one other thing that came out of this dump was that after banning Trump, the lunatic Twitter employees vowed to move on to censoring “medical misinformation” which obviously included any discussion about COVID-19.

The Twitter files on the COVID-19 virus hoax, lockdowns and the deadly fake vaccines is what I’m extremely interested in. My assumption is that there’s all sorts of bad stuff that will come out of that, none of which will be surprising or shocking of course.