Donald Trump announced a new line of digital trading cards. They are apparently really awesome and are going to be worth gazillions of dollars one day.

People speculated that this was his big “special announcement” and it may have been just that. I mean, these digital trading cards are really great and when I heard the news about them I literally got a raging hard erection that lasted for over four hours. I don’t even take Jewish Viagra pills. That’s how excited I was over the news.

However, Trump also announced a free speech plan for 2024. You can decide for yourself which was or wasn’t the “special announcement.”

I suppose much of what he is proposing on the free speech front is reasonable. Unfortunately, much of this is too little too late. The time for this was in 2017 when the first big round of bans happened and he had the power to do something. The amount of damage that has been done since then has been incalculable.