The Ukraine wants more weapons. They are continuing to make all sorts of insane demands acting like the world owes them everything.


Western nations should allocate 1% of their GDP for weapons deliveries to Ukraine during the country’s conflict with Russia, controversial Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Melnik has claimed.

“We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not enough,” Melnik wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

The US has already provided more that $35.4 billion worth of arms to Kiev since the start of the fighting last February, with the EU and its member states adding another $13.3 billion. But Melnik insisted that “Ukraine needs 10 times more to finish Russian aggression this year.”

“We call upon our partners to cross all artificial ‘red lines’ and devote 1% of GDP for weapons deliveries,” the diplomat said.

NATO demands that its member states allocate 2% of their GDP to defense spending. However, the bloc’s annual report, which was published in March, revealed that only seven of its 30 members had been able to meet that target in 2022.

The Ukraine has already lost the war. It doesn’t matter how many more weapons are dumped into this mess.

The problem is that they are not going to admit defeat and begin peace negotiations. Instead, they are going to continue this until there is nothing left of the country. Nobody inside the Jew regime in Washington DC or in Kiev has shown that they have any intention of negotiating in good faith.

They are also in the process of selling what the Russians haven’t taken over to the Jews at Blackrock and other Western companies.

Major energy companies are involved as well.

It is just a mass looting of the country similar to what was done in Iraq. Of course, the Russians could potentially take over all of the Ukraine which would render these discussions meaningless.