The Russiagate hoax is back in the news because the Jew lawyer Michael Sussman who did work for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign has been put on trial for lying to the FBI.

The media is acting like the things being exposed in this trial are new revelations even though myself and many others wrote exhaustively about them between 2016 and 2018.

Everybody who followed this story when it was happening knew that Hillary Clinton and the people close to her were involved in creating a hoax suggesting that Donald Trump was a Russian asset. There is nothing new here outside of further confirmation of what we already reported many years ago.

I guess it is good that Elon Musk is shedding some light on it.

But quite honestly, I don’t really care about any of it. Until I see Hillary Clinton or some of her top operatives hauled away in handcuffs, this story is of no interest to me. The system is so corrupt that I have a very hard time believing that anybody involved with this hoax will ever be held accountable. I mean, how long has this so-called special counsel been investigating this hoax? It’s been many years and there still has not been a single arrest of any significance.