Joe Biden a creepy senile old man who touches children in public and frequently says all sorts of dumb shit had a big Super Tuesday.

There were clearly back room deals made to get Anal Pete and Cunt Amy to drop out of the race right before the big day. And these were the two candidates whose supporters were most likely to switch their vote to old Joe. That certainly helped him.

But even with that boost, I have a hard time believing that any of these results are real. They’re saying old Joe won big because a bunch of niggers came out to vote for him. As if that is believable. There was no energy behind his campaign and his campaign was on life support after the New Hampshire Primary. I also don’t see why a bunch of niggers would be excited to come out and vote for old Joe.

The Democrat Party has historically engaged in all sorts of shady business to rig elections the way they want them. Just look at the debacle that was the 2020 Iowa Caucus. And clearly, they have been rigging the process against Bernie Sanders this entire time going so far as to accuse him of being a Russian agent.

But yeah, fraud or no fraud, it looks as if the Democrat establishment will be successful in screwing Bernie the Jew for a second time.

There’s already a bunch of establishment shills on Twitter claiming that anybody who thinks these results aren’t real is insane. But what is insane is not recognizing all the shady things the Democrat establishment has done to rig their own nomination process.