Stocks are continuing their collapse following interest rate hikes by the Jewish central bank system.

Bitcoin which has been trading with the stock market crashed with it.

I still like Bitcoin and crypto in general because cryptos represent assets outside of this collapsing system. Of course, that doesn’t mean they can’t go down and they’ve had a history of being volatile.

Even though I think it is good to have some crypto, I’m still more old school and advocate owning physical gold and silver. Both gold and silver have had modest declines but have held up fairly well even with the increase in interest rates. They can also be used to barter with in an apocalypse situation.

Ultimately this system is doomed. The entire economy and stock market has been propped up with artificially low interest rates for years. Just a small rate hike has caused the whole thing to tank. Hopefully all of you prepared, because things aren’t looking good. The rate hikes are so small they aren’t doing anything to curb inflation. Prices are still going through the roof. The only thing they have done is caused turmoil in the markets.