Stefan Molyneux after getting his YouTube channel banned a few days ago has now been banned from Twitter.

His ban is being celebrated by the usual suspects because they hate free speech and can’t stand anybody questioning their shitty ideas.

I guess Molyneux may still have a Facebook account, but you can bet that Facebook will get rid of that in short order.

This shows yet again that the tech companies are operating in a cartel-like fashion to ban people. The fact that Molyneux was banned from YouTube and Twitter with only a few days separating the bans proves this fact.

Once people are banned from these sites, they are essentially rendered non-persons on the Internet.

I’ve personally been banned from social media, search engines, payment processors etc.. for a very long time. This has made it difficult if not impossible to reach new people, so you are basically preaching your message to people who already agree with your ideas.

It is an incredibly frustrating situation but it was allowed to happen because nobody took it seriously when the bans started happening. Many right-wingers openly supported the bans when they were only doing it to so-called Nazis and White supremacists. What fools these people were. It was obvious that this was just them setting a precedent to ban an increasing number of people.

Molyneux was one of the people who did not support us, so he’s getting what he deserves and I do not feel the least bit sorry for him.

They’re going to ban as many people who support Donald Trump as possible in the lead up to the election. The ban of Molyneux is obviously part of that effort.