Several years ago a WHITE manager of a Starbucks in Philadelphia was fired after asking a couple of black loiterers to leave the shop. They had not purchased anything and were just hanging around. She called the cops on them after they refused to leave resulting in their eventual arrest. The incident was used by the national Jew media to agitate blacks into rioting over their endless racism conspiracy hoax.

Starbucks even changed their policy over the incident allowing blacks to hang out in their shops even if they had not purchased anything. The policy effectively turned many city Starbucks shops into homeless shelters. Due to this and other issues happening in American cities, they were eventually forced to close several of these stores.

Now, Starbucks has been ordered to pay the fired manager $25 million because they determined that she was fired because of her race.

I guess you could say that this is a minor victory of sorts in this culture war the Jews have waged against us. This could make companies think twice about discriminating against WHITES.

The problem is that hating on and discriminating against WHITE people is still very much an institutionalized phenomenon. We will need many more victories before this type of real racial hatred against WHITES is fully eliminated.