The United States Senate passed a $95 billion aid package for the Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan last night. It passed by a vote of 70 to 29 and didn’t even contain any border security provisions.

Is it any wonder why Congress is so hated? The only thing these people do is take the fruits of our labor and waste it on retarded Jewish wars and bizarre Marxist social agendas.

The primary focus of Congress for the past several months has been them debating back and forth on how to waste billions of dollars on Jewish wars. These people have no regard for the welfare of the American people. They’re more concerned about Israel, slaughtering Palestinians and pushing harmful Jewish agendas.

It doesn’t appear as if this bill will get through the House.

That’s not the main point of this though. The main point is that their entire focus is centered around pushing these insane Jewish wars. There is no real effort to do things that objectively benefit the American people. The best we get is superficial bullshit from a few handful of Republicans and most of that seems to be an act of some kind.

I honestly can’t think of a single thing that Congress has done to make my life better. I can however think of numerous things that Congress and other government bodies have done to make my life as difficult and as miserable as possible.

Congress is an institution that is morally corrupt in every aspect. We’ll all be far better off once this Zionist empire system collapses.