The creator of the Dilbert comic strip has made some interesting comments over the past few weeks. He recently said that he was discriminated against and lost gigs because of his race.

Now he’s saying that if Joe Biden wins White people will die. He specifically says “Republicans” but this is just code for White people.

He is 100 percent correct.

If Biden wins, he is going to have some woke colored communist female as Vice President. This colored bitch along with the whole power structure is actively going to punish Whites and in particular White supporters of Donald Trump as evil racist terrorists that must be killed. They will agitate the blacks to do much of the killing and will order the police not to arrest blacks who do said killing.

This is why we have to get Trump reelected. This is legitimately a life and death situation. I’m personally preparing for what might happen if Biden somehow wins. All of you should be as well.