I’ve mentioned repeatedly that the United States and the West in general is extremely vulnerable in the cyber arena. All sorts of systems have been put on the Internet and these systems can be brought down, hacked etc..

This story represents another example of this. A number of US airport websites were reportedly brought down with a Russian DDoS attack.

The attacks may not have impacted general airport operations, but it shows what is possible. If critical websites are brought down, you can grind business to a halt in the United States.

As far as the Russians being involved, it is certainly within their capabilities to do this. Of course, the CIA also has the ability to do false flag cyber attacks. The important takeaway to this is how important Western infrastructure which exists on the Internet is vulnerable.

We should have never put all of this stuff on the Internet. Unfortunately, dumbass boomer CEOs loved hearing the “cloud” buzzword and just threw everything into Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. If either one of those services have issues, it impacts almost everything these days.