Ron DeSantis recently asked publicly if Australia is freer than China.

The answer is obviously no. China is much more free than both Australia and America in many respects.

There is more free speech in China. Even though you are not allowed to question the government, you can criticize many more things in China without fear of reprisals. You can question homosexuals, blacks, the Holocaust, Jews etc.. without losing your job or being ostracized from society. You can’t do these things in either Australia or America right now.

China’s central government also hasn’t gone crazy with a forced vaxx agenda and have advocated informed consent.

Compare that to the type of bullshit that we hear from Anthony Fauci and other ZOG stooges.

People in both Australia and America are being aggressively coerced into taking the shot by the government.

Then there’s obviously the insane police state that has been setup in Australia. China even at the height of the coronavirus hysteria, did not impose anything as ridiculous as what is going on in Australia.

If I had the choice of living in China or Australia in the current year I would absolutely choose China. Hell, living in China would be preferable than in many American cities which are third world dumps.