The alleged “right-wing Jew” Laura Loomer has had her Twitter account unbanned.

One of her final posts before getting banned back in 2018 was her complaining about anti-Semitism.

There’s a number of people in the right-wing who think Loomer has changed and is somehow an asset to our cause.

I totally disagree with this assessment. She is a Jew who is primarily concerned about her brand and fame. She was on the Killstream the other night and got into a verbal altercation with Alex Stein. She was boasting about how she was more famous than he is which in my view illustrates where her priorities lie.

Sure, she may say some things that I agree with but it is all a smoke screen. She’s a snake in the grass and she has done nothing to make me think that she is anything but that. She played a major role in getting right-wing Discord channels banned in 2017. She was basically in favor of cancel culture before she herself became a victim of it.