Vladimir Putin said in a recent interview that he’d prefer Joe Biden as President of the United States because he’s more predictable than Donald Trump.

I think Kim’s comments are probably accurate.

Clearly, Putin would prefer to work with Trump than Biden. There’s no chance of dialogue with the senile vegetable Biden and the treacherous Jews around him. With Trump, there can at least be a dialogue and some conversations on how to sort out solutions to the Ukraine war and other major geopolitical problems.

Putin’s comments about preferring Biden are obviously designed to create discord within the Jew propaganda machine. For years they pushed a talking point falsely claiming that Trump was a Russian agent etc.. That was what the Russiagate hoax was all about and this throws a wrench into that.

Speaking of Putin, I’m going to try to publish something about his interview with Tucker Carlson and the fallout that has occurred from it either tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned for that.