This video clip of Vladimir Putin meeting with the Saudis today pretty much says it all.

Putin and MBS look like old pals.

The Saudis are moving increasingly towards Russia and China. All of the serious deals the Saudis are doing are being done with them and not the United States. They like the rest of the world is tired of these weird agendas and wars coming out of Washington DC. They literally had to deal with Jews like Antony Blinken trying to convince them to legalize gay anal sex and other stupid shit. Who needs that?

I agree with Kim Dotcom and his analysis on the petrodollar. This entire petrodollar system that was established in the 1970s is falling apart. The Saudis and these other Arab states have been major players inside of this system and they are clearly trying to move away from it. They want to minimize damage to their country as the ZOG empire collapses.

Putin visited the United Arab Emirates before visiting the Saudis and is scheduled to visit with the Iranians in Moscow tomorrow. There is speculation that Putin could be planning something big involving the Gaza situation. This was undoubtedly one of the topics discussed during these meetings.

All of this just makes this idea being promoted in the ZOG media about Putin being isolated all the more ridiculous. It is ZOG that is being isolated more and more on the world stage.