The New York Times ran a piece falsely promoting the Pizzagate Satanist Marina Abramovic as a misunderstood artist. This story came after people got angry when they found out that Microsoft featured her in a video.

It is insane that they are even trying to claim that she is not a Satanist. They want you to think that there is nothing satanic about the below image of Abramovic.

And that’s a fairly mild example of the type of “art” she does.

The new documentary film “Out of Shadows” further exposes this deranged satanic bitch in more detail.

Abramovic has also been linked not only to Pizzagate but the Jewish Rothschild family and celebrities like Lady Gaga.

People are not amused at how this Jewish newspaper has been trying to control the narrative on this Satanist.

None of this is a surprise though. Jews, Satanists and satanic rituals are linked together because Jews are the race of the devil. They are lying and want you to think that Satanism is just some weird misunderstood art. But it is anything but that. This is some crazy hardcore dark and evil shit we are dealing with.