A major surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip took place this morning. Hamas soldiers fired thousands of rockets into Israel as numerous Palestinian fighters breached Israeli defenses. Some of the Palestinian fighters even used motorized hang gliders to bypass the Israeli security perimeter. They apparently attacked via land, air and sea under the cover of the rocket fire.

This is arguably the most significant event in this region since the Yom Kippur War back in 1973.

Bibi has said that Israel is at war.

There has been major fighting inside of Israeli towns and cities.

They’ve seized Jewish tanks and vehicles.

Numerous Jews have reportedly been beaten and taken hostage. With some being taken back to Gaza.

A significant number of Israelis have been injured or killed in the fighting.

The Fox News Jew is saying things are really bad for Israel.

This is still a developing situation so there’s no telling where this is going to go from here, but it confirms my suspicions about the weakness of this criminal Zionist state. Israel has been dealing with all sorts of domestic political problems and have been more focused on those issues versus their enemies who surround them. At the same time, Jews have been spitting on Christians, abusing Palestinians and committing a variety of atrocities.

Israel has few if any friends around the world. The United States government is the only major power that really supports them and that’s only because the US government has been subverted by Jews. Any other friendly relations they have with other countries have mostly been due to coercion, threats and blackmail.

The world is mostly celebrating this attack against this evil Zionist enterprise. We’ll just have to see how this all unfolds.