Owen Benjamin is saying that Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes faked his show being raided by the FBI. He posted text messages that he says are from McInnes where he admits to the hoax. Benjamin went on to say that he decided to expose the hoax because McInnes planned to keep everyone in the dark forever and never admit to it being a hoax.

Here’s the text messages.

Assuming what Benjamin is saying is true, that would make McInnes an even bigger piece of shit than I thought. Joking about getting raided by the FBI is just something you do not do unless you were purposefully trying to spread mass paranoia.

Benjamin might have some sort of agenda himself, so I’m not going to just take what he’s saying at face value. But with that said, there is still no proof that McInnes has been detained by any government entity. Some have suggested that he was being deported to Canada but we don’t have any proof of that either.

It will be interesting to see how McInnes responds to all of this. Even if there is some sort of logical explanation for all this chicanery, he is still a very big faggot and I very much dislike him. The image of him ramming a dildo up his ass will live on the Internet for all of eternity.