Comedian Owen Benjamin has been going insane claiming that the Irish people getting mad and rioting over kids being stabbed by an Algerian is a psy-op. He didn’t provide any concrete evidence of this being a psy-op but he weirdly concluded his ramblings by saying he likes Jews now.

I think what’s telling is that he has blocked people from being able to post replies on his tweets unless you are subscribed to his account or are mentioned by him in a post. So he’s clearly not interested in any sort of actual public debate on this.

His position is basically that Irish people fighting back against their replacement is somehow bad and that you should like Jews. This is a very strange take considering Jews are currently conducting a genocide in Gaza at the moment and few people outside of Jews support this.

I obviously do not endorse this weird message from Benjamin. I’ve never been a big fan of his and he might even be part-Jew. Even if he’s not, his comments indicate that he has sided with the Jews and that is an unacceptable position to hold.