OnlyFans is banning pornography. This spells lots of trouble for the millions of strong and independent whores who use this shitty website.

The MGTOW and redpill community has been rightfully gloating about this news.

I would argue that OnlyFans has been one of the worst websites on the Internet because it has allowed this type of material. It has let a bunch of worthless whores monetize their sexuality to pathetic simps who pay money to watch them do dumb shit on a webcam.

Now that they are banning pornography on their site, this is going to put the financial future of these whores in serious question. They’ll either have to get a real job or they will have to engage in actual real life prostitution. They will not be able to fake it over the Internet any longer. At least nowhere easily as they could via OnlyFans.

For a wide variety of factors, more and more men are refusing to commit to women, because outside of the hole in between their legs, they offer little else. They have become more of a liability than an asset to a man’s life. And this is just describing the average woman who does not whore herself on OnlyFans. An OnlyFans whore has far less value than the average woman who has not degraded herself on the Internet.

There is undeniably a dwindling number of men who will be willing to bail these skanks out and save them from their poor life decisions. So as a result, these OnlyFans whores are going to be in for some rough times.

I can tell you for a fact that the amount of women who have turned to prostituting themselves in America has gone up exponentially since March 2020. This trend is here to stay and will likely cause the hourly rate for your average street hooker to go down in value even with the massive currency devaluation we are seeing. The market is about to get flooded with all these OnlyFans front holes.