One of the funnier things that happened during the recent elections earlier this week is that the New Jersey Democrat state Senate President lost to a truck driver named Edward Durr who spent almost no money on his campaign.


New Jersey’s longtime state Senate president, Democrat Steve Sweeney lost reelection, falling to a Republican newcomer who spent little money and underscoring Democratic woes in the Biden era.

The Associated Press previously reported that Edward Durr, a furniture company truck driver and first-time officeholder, had spent $153 on his campaign, but has since changed the figure based on a new campaign finance report.

“It is stunning and shocking and I cannot figure it out,” said Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg said in an AP interview.

lol the Jew Weinberg can’t figure it out.

Well Jew, let me try to explain it to you. Lots of people really don’t like you and the Democrats. That’s because you used a fake pandemic to implement lockdowns and other insane measures that ruined countless lives. You are also demanding that people take injections that are killing people so they can keep their jobs. If you wanted people to like you and vote for you, maybe you shouldn’t have been trying to do everything you can in your power to destroy them.

While the Democrats have a formidable vote fraud machine, they can’t deploy it in every race. What happened here proves it. Most if not all of their resources went into the governor’s race which Phil Murphy narrowly won via obvious fraud. If the Republican candidate is worth anything, he should fight the results any way he can.

Ultimately though, we are not going to be able to vote our way out of this. Not unless something substantive is done about the vote fraud issue. The people in control of the federal government have total power. They got away with stealing the presidency so they feel as if they can do whatever they want.

In fact, it looks as if the Democrats are trying to figure out a way to screw Durr out of his election win. 12,000 ballots have reportedly appeared out of the ether.

The only place your vote may count is in smaller local and state races. So if you insist on doing politics, this should be where your focus is. But in the end, this system is heading towards some type of collapse so I’m not sure how much of an impact any local election wins will have when all is said and done. It is good to see things like this though. It is very funny to see these tyrants embarrassed.