The new Jewish Star Wars movie from Disney is out and not surprisingly, it is doing terribly in China. Turns out the Chinese are not susceptible to Jewish social engineering techniques or as they say in this news blurb, “Jedi mind tricks.”


Jedi mind tricks don’t work on China.

While “Star Wars” fans from around the world waited in line for days to catch “The Rise of Skywalker,” the sci-fi series has struggled to woo film-goers in the increasingly important Chinese market.

Special previews of the long-awaited “Star Wars” film in Beijing this week drew just a handful of fans.

The Star Wars trilogy from the Jews at Disney have been terrible movies. The films have thus far featured an empowered feminist heroine figure and a nigger character kissing an Asian character. They destroyed the series to bludgeon people with Jewish social engineering nonsense.

But it is pretty obvious to me why the Chinese wouldn’t want to pay money to watch this Jewish film. Chinese do not want to watch a movie that features a subplot involving a nigger having sex with an Asian female. It’s gross and it’s an obscenity upon nature.

The latest movie also apparently features a brief gay kiss. Something of which faggots around the world have been going nuts about. The queers are also very happy that the faggot kiss was not removed from the movie for the Chinese market.

China should seriously consider just banning all this Jewish garbage. They have the capabilities to make their own films and they would most certainly be better than all this Jewish bullshit people unfortunately still consume in the West.