Check out this tweet from Richard Spencer a top Neo-Nazi commentator on Twitter.

He is openly supporting Joe Biden. It isn’t even veiled support. He is saying that he is on team Joe.

Spencer is even retweeting tweets from Joe Biden and the Jewish New York Times. He’s also saying that the Democrats if they win the White House will end the violence.

This is insanity. If the Democrats win the White House, they are going to bring hell on earth. It will be the literal end of America as we know it. They are not going to end the violence. They plan on implementing communism which will result in millions of dead White Americans.

There’s a reason people like Spencer are still allowed on Twitter, whereas people like myself were banned several years ago. These people are serving a purpose and that purpose is to fool right-wingers into supporting communism.

When you look at these Neo-Nazis, there isn’t much difference between them and the anti-fascists. In fact, some Neo-Nazis have later become anti-fascists and anti-racists by publicly denouncing their previous hateful views. This makes it clear that the people promoting this gibberish are compromised or work as federal informants in some capacity.

But seriously, this whole situation is nuts. Voting for Joe Biden is not going to solve any of our problems, it will only introduce a whole host of new problems that will be even worse than the problems we have now.

I think Joe Biden should denounce the political support of Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer. It would be the right thing to do.