MSNBC is having pundits come on their shows claiming that Virginia’s new black Lieutenant governor is a White supremacist. I guess she’s a White supremacist because she likes guns or something?

Basically if you are black and you disagree with anything that the ZOG beast is doing, you will now be branded a White supremacist. That’s really the only message you can take from these incoherent ramblings.

I’m sure they’ll call Herschel Walker the former football player who is running for the Georgia Senate a White supremacist because he was endorsed by Donald Trump. Who knows, they may have already done that.

This is all completely insane. Who the hell can even take this seriously? They’re literally trying to meme the idea of black White supremacists. It’s about as absurd as that black guy they had posing as a Nazi with a tiki-torch.

Honestly, I think all these racial issues while important to sort out, are nowhere near as important as the vaxx issue in the short term. That is really the only issue that matters as it is literally an attempt to genocide huge numbers of people across racial lines. This racial stuff is not effective any more. Hell, you got BLM groups protesting the vaxx mandates.