The monkeypox hoax which was literally launched at the same time as the outbreak depicted in a previous 2021 monkeypox tabletop exercise, is already entering the next phase.

They’re starting to push monkeypox vaccines as the only solution.

The funniest thing about this hoax is that the media is reporting that there was some gay party where all this allegedly originated from.

But they’re not calling for an end to gay sex orgies or anything like that. The only solution they’re pushing for are shots.

All of this hysteria is just so fake and gay. I mean that literally and figuratively. If any of this is real, it appears to be an issue stemming from homosexuals fucking each other in their assholes.

There was also some type of alleged monkeypox outbreak in the United States back in 2003 and there were no deaths from it.

Either way, this is just mindless hysteria like the COVID-19 hoax. It comes at a time when the World Health Organization is trying to seize health powers from sovereign countries. It is impossible to believe that this is all just a random coincidence and not part of some plan.